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Coop History

In a strategic planning session in 2006, the management team of the Kabalikat para sa Maunlad na Buhay Inc. (KMBI), a microfinance non-government organization based in Karuhatan, Valenzuela City, agreed to establish an employees’ cooperative for two reasons: (1) to cater to the financial needs of the employees, especially during emergency situations, and (2) to support KMBI in reaching its vision and goals by investing on its proposed bank. On the third quarter of 2007, a pre-membership and education seminar was conducted by an officer from the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) head office, which was attended by more or less 25 KMBI employees. On November 29, 2007, the 4HG (For His Glory) Multi-purpose Cooperative was finally registered in CDA as a legal entity (Registration No. Q-622-6351). The name 4HG or “For His Glory” was conceptualized to serve as a constant reminder to all officers and members of the Coop that the institution should always endeavor to bring glory to its God. This acronym 4HG was eventually amended to “FHG” submitted during the Coop’s general assembly in 2013 and subsequently approved by the CDA in 2013. The ideals of the Coop was also crafted with giving glory to God in mind, to wit:


“To see people in communities live in abundance, with strengthened faith in God, with right relationship with their fellowmen, and rest of the creation”.


FHG MPC is a Christ-centered social enterprise providing opportunities for personal growth and economic development to its investing members through need and growth-oriented products and services”.

Core Values
Self Help Equity
Self Responsibility Honesty
Solidarity Openes
Social Responsibility Democracy
Equality Caring for Others

The registration was made possible through the efforts of the 65 directors and managers of KMBI. The same officers collaborated to become the Cooperators of FHG MPC, with a starting paid-up capital Php 625,000.00 The Cooperators then appointed nine members of Board of Directors to govern the Coop in its stage of organization, namely:

1. Rizaldy R. Duque, Chairman
2. Sancho A. Montaos, Vice-Chairman
3. Carmela N. Porras, Member
4. Vencent A. Abraham, Member
5. Annalie D. Concepcion, Member
6. Madelyn P. Frijillano, Member
7. Joselito S. Penalosa, Member
8. Ferdinand N. Baptista, Member
9. Selven A. Raguro, Member

Since the beginning of the Coop’s operation in 2008, KMBI has been very supportive to its endeavors. From January 2008 To April 2009, it provided a small office room of about five (5) square meters to the Coop, free of charge. Their management also let their Junior Auditor Jasper Nazarro, who eventually became its full-time General Manager in 2010, to help in the registration and management of the Coop, which then only had two (2) employees, namely Alma Cabacungan as cashier and Gerlie Borreo as bookkeeper.

During the first quarter of 2008, 475 KMBI employees decided to become members of the Coop and agreed to convert their fidelity bond from KMBI into share capital. Thus immediately achieving a Php5.8M paid-up capital which was the first major accomplishment of the Coop. The share capital was mainly used for the credit operation that led to the year-end loan performance of Php12,500,000.00 total revenues of Php1.5M, and net surplus of Php 969,555.75.00 as of year-end.

From 2008 to present, the Coop’s financial performance substantially grew due to the support and patronage of its members (see Annex A). FHG MPC attained the above mentioned excellent financial condition with only four loan products and through constant development to cater the needs and growth of members (see Annex B).

The first recognition the Coop received was “Rookie Cooperative”. This was awarded on 29 October 2009 by the Valenzuela City Government, VCDC and VCDO during the Annual VAL-KOOP Awards. Indeed God had truly blessed FHG MPC for in 2011 Until 2013, it was awarded as Best in Financial and Best Performing Cooperative (3-5 years category) by the same award giving bodies.

In spite of attaining success and sustainability, FHG MPC continued to help its members not just in their financial difficulties but also in times of calamities. FHG MPC donated financial assistance to its members and the community during the devastation of typhoons Ondoy, Pedring and Sendong.

FHG MPC also did not stop helping the members, community and the environment by partnering and donating in the following initiatives:

a. Medical and Dental Mission Blood Donation Drive 2011 on 06-09 August 2011;
b. Tree Planting Project held at Brgy. Cayambay, Tanay Rizal on 20 August 2011; and
c. Valenzuela Cooperative Development Council (VCDC) and Valenzuela Cooperative Development Office (VCDO) VAL-KOOP ON THE MOVE FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT “WALK FOR A CAUSE” a scholarship program having awarded as the biggest delegation for two (2) consecutive years from 2011 to 2012.

FHG MPC believes in the importance of the coop principle of cooperation among cooperatives thus the Board of Directors decided to become a member of Valenzuela Federation of Multi-Purpose Cooperatives (VAFEMCO) in November 2009 and National Confederation of Cooperatives (NATCCO) IN October 2010. With this endeavor, it participated in and supported the various training and activities of the said federations. Meanwhile, FHG MPC also took part in joining and supporting the development of the Cooperative Leadership Movement in Valenzuela City represented by its Chairman and General Manager to the organizations such as:

A. Valenzuela Cooperative Development Council

  • Member of Project Development Internal for 2012
  • Head of Project Development External for 2013 & 2014
  • B. Valenzuela Federation of Multi-Purpose Cooperative
  • Member 2009-2011
  • Director 2012
  • Chairperson 2013
  • C. Valenzuela Cooperative Manager’s Club
  • Member 2010
  • Vice-Chairperson 2011
  • Chairperson 2012
  • Vice-Chairperson 2013
  • In the beginning of 2011, the Coop established its own travel and tours agency to take advantage of the travel needs of KMBI and cater both to its members and non-members. This agency has achieved its viability in 2012 and continues to thrive. The Coop aims to contribute in promoting the nation’s tourist destinations, historical sites, and environment. FHG MPC remains compliant to various governmental institutions, such as the Cooperative Development Authority, local Government of Valenzuela, Bureau of Internal Revenue, Social Security System, Philhealth, and Home Development & Mutual Fund. On 12 January 2010, the CDA issued the new Certificate of Registration under registration no. 9520-16006119 in compliance to Article 144 of RA 9520 otherwise known as the “Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008″. Subsequently, BIR issued as well the Certificate of Tax Exemption to FHG MPC which is valid from 17 May to 16 May 2016. The Coop’s Amended Articles of Cooperation and By-laws were only approved last 06 May 2013 in compliance to the new cooperative code issued by the CDA as well as changes in its vision and mission, to wit:


    “To be change by Christ and to change others through us by Christ for His Glory alone.”


    “FHG MPC provides ethical customer-driven financial and basic consumer products and services to transform the socio-economic life of the investing members.”

    As of 31 December 2013, FHG MPC had a total regular membership of 1,086 and started opening associate membership by 2013 in pursuant to its By-laws and to continue its commitment to deliver its mission.

    The Coop provides compensation based on qualification and work experiences with monetary allowances and incentives such as sick & vacation leaves, overtime pay, rice subsidy, clothing subsidy, 13th month pay, performance bonus, life & accident insurance, and HMO benefit.

    In FOR HIS GLORY MULTI-PURPOSE COOPERATIVE (FHG MPC), we continue to acknowledge that “Christ is the center of our lives” and in everything we do “to God be the Glory”!

    About Us

    Mission & Vision


    ”FHG MPC provides ethical and responsive financial and basic consumer products and services to transform the socio-economic life of the investing members.”


    "To be a Christ-centered, sustainable and growing multi-purpose coopearative to improve the lives of its member and their families For His Glory alone."

    Core Values

    C - Christian Faith
    H - Humility
    R - Responsibility
    I - Integrity
    S - Stewardship
    T - Teamwork

    About Us

    Coop Values & Principles

    Coop Principles

    1. Voluntary and open Membership - Cooperative are voluntary organization, open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership. with out discrimination.
    2. Democratic Control - Cooperatives are democratic organization that are controlled by their members who actively participate in setting their policies and making decisions.
    3. Members’ Economic Participation - Members Contribute equitably to and democratically control, the capital of their cooperatives.
    4. Autonomy and Independence
    - Cooperatives are autonomous, self help organization controlled by their members.
    - Autonomy means ability of the person to make his or her own decision
    5. Education and Training Information - Cooperatives shall provide education and training for their members, elected and appointed representatives, managers and employees, so that they can contribute effectively and efficiency to the development of their coop.
    6. Cooperation Among Cooperatives - Serve their member most effectively and strengthen the coop. movement by working together through local, national, regional and international structures.
    7. Concern for Community - Work for the sustainable development of their communities through policies approved by their members.

    Coop Values

    1. Self-Help - we help people to help themselves
    2. Self-Responsibility - we take responsibility for, and answer to our actions
    3. Solidarity - we share interests and common purposes with our members and other co-operatives.
    4. Social Responsibility - we encourage people to take responsibility for their own community, and work together in improve it
    5. Equality - no matter how much money a member invests in their share account, they still have one vote
    6. Equity - we carry out our business in a way that is fair and unbiased
    7. Honesty - we are honest about what we do and the way we do it
    8. Openness - nobody’s perfect, and we won’t hide it when we’re not
    9. Democracy - we give our members a say in the way we run our business
    10. Caring for Others - we regularly fund charities and local community groups from the profits of our businesses.

    Coop Pledges

    As a Filipino
    I am and I believe in the Cooperative.
    Alone I am weak, But with others I am strong
    So I commit myself to work,
    To cooperate, for all to be prosperous.
    Harmony, industry I will value,
    In Cooperative affairs I will attend,
    Responsibilities I will assume.
    The cooperative Philosophy i will
    One Vision,
    One Belief,
    One Feeling,
    In Cooperation, my life I pledge
    So help me God.



    Credit Services

    Loan Type Petty Cash (PCL) Multipurpose (MPL) Education (EDL) Housing (HL) Travel (TL) Emergency (EL) Preventive Health
    Assistance (PHALP)
    Purpose Any purposes Any purposes School Expenses Renovation/Equity Tours/Travel Hospital/Medical/
    Interest 2.50% / monthly 2.00% / monthly 1.50% / monthly 1.33% / monthly 1.00% / monthly 1.50% / monthly 0.83% / monthly
    Service Fee 2%
    Upfront CBU None 5% None
    Loanable Amount Based on “Credit Limit Matrix” *
    P 5,000.00 P 5,000.00 - P 300,000.00
    Term 1-3 mos 6-36 mos 6-12 mos
    Documentary Requirements None None
  • School Statement of Account

  • Reimbursement copy of Official Receipt dated 15 days prior to application
  • Renovation/Construction:
  • Construction Plan Form with PHOTO, Billing of Materials with signature of supplier

  • Equity:
  • Photo copy Statement of Account

  • Deed of Absolute Sale

  • Lot Title/Contract to Sell

  • Statement of Account

  • Reimbursement copy of Official Receipt dated 15 days prior to application
  • Mode of Payment Semi-monthly every payroll 13th and 28th of the Month
    Guaranty Deposit/Share 1. Co-Maker- P40,000-BELOW/
    2. Co-Maker P40K-P75K/PDC P75K above
    Processing Time
  • Received complete loan application 9:30 am release within the day
  • Beyond 9:30 am release on the next day
  • Releasing time every afternoon between 1:00-5:00pm
  • Loan Type Motorcycle Acquistion Program (MAP) Business Loan Wellness Loan
    Water Purifier
    Wellness Loan
    Fitness Enrollment
    Promotional Credit Card Termination (CCTL) Promotional Summer,
    Christmas, Patronage
    Purpose To provide the availing member flexibility in selecting the unit/model of choice within the parameters of the program. Additional Capital for existing registered business Purchase of Water Purifier to an accredited distributor (Waters Philippines and PURE IT) Fitness Enrollment Fee payment to FHG Circuit HUB and other Fitness Center Credit Card Debt Consolidation and Termination Seasonal Loan
    Interest 1.50% / monthly 1.50% / monthly 0.75% - 1% / monthly 0.75% / monthly 1.50% / monthly 1.00% / monthly
    Service Fee 2%
    Upfront CBU None 3% None
    Loanable Amount 50,000 to 150,000 Minimum of P 6,000.00
    Term 1 -3 yrs 2 - 36 mos 6 - 12 mos 1 -3 yrs 6 - 12 mos
    Document Requirements 1. Has subscribed capital shares of not less than Php30,000.00
    2. Has been a member of a Coop for 3 years
    3. Member or immediate family member possess valid driver's license (For family member: submit birth certificate/marriage contract)
    4. Quotation of preferred motorcycle unit
    5. Copy of official receipt or any proof of payment and deed of sale within five(5) working days upon receipt of loan
    Photo of the following:
    1.Business & sketch of location
    3.Audited FS or Income Tax Return or bank statement
    4.Contract of Lease/ Land Title CTS
    None Official Receipt as loan utilization requirements 1.Credit Card billing Cut Credit Card

    2.Memorandum of Agreement duly signed
    Mode of Payment Semi-monthly every payroll 13th and 28th of the Month
    Guaranty None Postdated Cheque
    Operational Business
    Processing Time 2 - 3 days Received complete loan application 9:30 am release within the dayBeyond 9:30 am release on the next dayReleasing time every afternoon between 1:00-5:00pm
    FHGMPC Wellness Water Purifier Price Download Here
    *Copy of New Credit Limit Matrix rev072514 Download Here


    Tours & Travel

    FHG Tours & Travel is a full-service travel agency, backed by hotel/resort, airline and tourism promotion and advertising executives with over 10 years of collective experience in the industry.


    1. Passport Assistance
    2. Visa and other travel documentation processing
    3. Tour packages for Domestic and International
    4. Tour Itinerary Planning and Consultation
    5. Airline Reservations and Ticketing
    6. Hotel/Resort Reservation
    7. Car Rentals
    8. Travel Insurance

    For inquiries: Call or text – Aly at 0932-8918111 / Telephone – (02) 2923982



    Savings & Time Deposit



    Since the pandemic in 2019, our Coop has fallen behind the current market trend in terms of providing interest on savings and time deposits. As as result FHG MPC made adjustment to the interest rate on savings and time deposits in order to avoid huge interest losses.


  • To provide market-appropriate interest on savings and time deposits.

    1. All members are required to have an annual savings maintaining balances.
    Regular – Php2,500.00
    Associate – Php1,000.00
    2. Savings and Time Deposits can be considered for guarantee or collateral (no co-maker) on loan applications.
    3. Savings and Time Deposits will form part of the aggregate capital contribution of a member based on the Memorandum Agreement entered between KMBI and the Coop.
    4. Savings can be withdrawn anytime.
    5. Time Deposit can be withdrawn or pre-terminated after 6 months only with a pre-termination fee of 1% based on Time Deposit balance.
    6. Partial withdrawal for Time Deposit is now allowed.
    7. Time Deposit withdrawal prior to maturity date shall not earn interest.
    8. Interest for Savings Deposit shall be computed on a quarterly basis.
    9. Interest for Time Deposit shall be computed upon maturity date.
    10. Savings Deposit can be used for termination of loan.
    11. Payment options:
    a. Outright payment (any amount)
    b. Salary Deduction based on below:

    Share Capital Savings
    Fully subscribed share capital 200.00 250.00
    Not Fully-subscribed share capital 100.00 100.00
    Rate per Annum
    BELOW 500,000.00 500,000.00 UP
    1.75 % 2.00 %
    Months Rate
    BELOW 100,000 100,000 - 299,999 300,000 - 499,999 500,000 UP
    6 Months 1.00% 1.25% 1.50% 1.75%
    12 Months 2.25% 2.75% 3.25% 3.75%

    1. Member shall accomplish:

  • For Savings - Authority to Deduct Form (initial stage of deduction)
  • For Time Deposits - Time Deposits Form (TDF)
  • 2. In case of withdrawal, member shall fill-up the Withdrawal Slip and submit to Coop.
    3. Below cut-offs would be observed for savings withdrawal.

    Cut-off on Withdrawal Slip Submission Releasing
    7:00am to 3:00pm 3:00pm onwards
    10:00am of the following day considered as next day transaction

    *** Effectivity: March 1, 2022 ***



    In compliance with the requirement of the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) to increase members’ savings deposit, FHGMPC proposed a savings deposit program to help our Coop and our members to meet the set CDA standard/requirement.


    1. Help members to build wealth through savings.
    2. Achieve the standard for coop savings/deposits.


    1. Interest computation is 6% and shall be computed on a yearly basis.
    2. It can be withdrawn from January 1-31.
    3. Maximum deposit of 100,000.00 until Dec. 31


    1. Open to all members. General Manager to release a memorandum/advisory to all Coop members.
    2. Interested member must accomplish the Authority to Deduct form for the Paluwagan Savings.
    3. Payment options:

    a. Outright payment (any amount)
    b. Salary Deduction

    *** Effectivity: January 21, 2023 ***




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